Walther-Rathenau-Str. 49 a
17489 Greifswald
Contact person: Dr Wolfgang Blank
Phone: +49 3834 515-0
Fax: +49 3834 515-102

Commited to the region
WITENO GmbH is the result of the merger between BioTechnikum Greifswald GmbH and Technologiezentrum-Fördergesellschaft mbH Vorpommern in 2016. The University and Hanseatic City of Greifswald, the University of Greifswald and Sparkasse Vorpommern are the corporation’s shareholders. WITENO’s registered buiness address is Walther-Rathenau-Str. 49a, 17489 Greifswald.
Being supported by regional shareholders WITENO is especially committed to the region. Its task is to foster formation of innovative businesses and to increase technology and knowledge transfer by running incubator and technology centers. To do so WITENO cooperates closely with the regional universities, the non-university research institutions and local economy. It actively maintains a close-knit regional and supra-regional partner network. We are participating on a pro-bono basis in different regional initiatives and are annually supporting selected players by donations – in our own field of activity and beyond.
°Infrastructure °Consulting °Services
WITENO – short for Wissenschafts- und Technologiepark Nord°Ost° (or Science & Technology Park North°East°) – is offering space and support for the implementation of innovative ideas. Welcome in the renowned university city of Greifswald in Germany’s North-East! At three locations (BioTechnikum, Technologiezentrum Vorpommern and cowork Greifswald) attractive office, lab and production premises are awaiting you, as well as comprehensive tenant services and event and meeting facilities.
In addition, WITENO supports start-ups and young businesses with consulting services, is active in various expert panels and networks and implements projects to the benefit of the region.
Set your Sails for NORD°OST°
Situated on Germany’s Baltic Sea coast WITENO GmbH offers attractive opportunities particularly suited for innovative, technology-oriented and knowledge-based entrepreneurs and companies. We focus on currently three sites:
- at BioTechnikum Greifswald, Walther-Rathenau-Strasse 49a,
- at cowork Greifswald, Schuhhagen 1, and
- at Technologiezentrum Vorpommern, Brandteichstrasse 20.
On these sites you will find attractive premises for setting up your business. You will be in the vicinity of the University of Greifswald, the University of Applied Sciences Stralsund, the University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg as well as several renowned non-university research institutions.
We are active in BioCon Valley, the regional cluster for health economy in the health region Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. We were from the beginning partners of the leading Baltic Sea wide life science cluster ScanBalt.
It was Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik Greifswald that succeeded in generating the world’s first high-temperature plasma at almost the sun’s temperature in February 2016.
The Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut für Tiergesundheit is one of the leading animal health institutes in the world and is doing research on globally threatening challenges such as bird flu or other pandemic risks.
The Leibniz-Institut für Plasmaforschung und Technologie is focussing on research & development of plasma applications in the fields of materials, energy, environment and health. This institute is the largest non-university research institution in the field of low-temperature plasmas in Europe.
Interested in implementing your ideas in this dynamic environment between sciences and business? We will happily provide you with more information!
High-Tech at the campus – BioTechnikum Greifswald
BioTechnikum Greifswald is in operation since 1996. It is a Life Science oriented incubator and provides more than 4,300 sqm of laboratory and office space complemented with joint lab facilities and a modern training and conference area.
BioTechnikum offers direct access to the campus of the math and science faculty of the University of Greifswald and the university medicine. The Leibniz-Institut für Plasmaforschung und Technologie is our direct neighbour.
Our business partners appreciate the QM system according DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 which we had already implemented as early as 2005. It allows for a consistent documentation of our business relations, an important prerquisite for many of our customers cooperating with international partners.
You want to learn more about us? We are looking forward to your enquiries!
Downtown creativity – cowork Greifswald
cowork Greifswald is offering space to all those tired of working in home offices and eager to dive into a creative and inspriring network. For those who are looking for a temporary work place or simply a diversified environment in a unique “office community”.
Desk spaces are available on a daily, weekly or monthly basis to meet individual needs. Wifi access is complimentary. Our premises are furnished with modern equipment, the atmosphere is warm – and all this in a top location in Greifswald’s beautiful inner city.
There are workshops, round table talks, seminars, creative and web get-togethers taking place at cowork Greifswald on a regular basis. Check out our cowork blog and the facebook page for current information.
Feel free to contact us on site for a live impression, personal introduction and individual agreements. Opening hours: Mo through Fr 8.30 a.m. till 6 p.m. For events times may vary.
Check out the cowork website for impressions and information on current activities.
Incubator with high connectivity – Technologiezentrum Vorpommern
More than 200 businesses have moved to Technologiezentrum Vorpommern (TZV) since its foundation in 1991. Currently 58 companies are occupying more than 2,600 sqm of laboratory and production space and more than 3,600 sqm of office space.
The TZV is located amidst the Technologiepark Greifswald, well accessible by the new bypass road. We offer comprehensive support to both existing companies as well as new startups or ventures. Our customers are provided with reliable tentant services and competent consulting in the fields of leasing, business start-up, funding and financing as well as innovation, product and brand development.
The Contact point Interreg South Baltic is located right at TZV offering information on questions concerning European funding schemes.
In the field of plasma technology the international network BalticNet-PlasmaTec provides ideal network opportunities with partners from research and business.
In 2010 the TZV was certified as recognized innovation center by the German association of innovation, technology and business incubation centers (BVIZ), counting among the 30 start-up incubators in Germany with this certification.
Did we make you curious? Feel free to contact us!
Knowledge drives business
We are operating in a region that is characterized by an above average density of highly-productive universities and non-university research facilities, which we are keeping close contact to.
- Are you looking for cooperations with suitable and reliable research partners to implement your innovative ideas?
- Are you looking for a partner in trade or commerce for practical tests or marketing?
- Are you looking for a network to link into with your products and services?
We are in close contact with academic working groups and thus, with professors, research staff, doctorates and students and are cooperating in several projects. We maintain ties with businesses in the region and cooperate with the Chambers of Commerce and the Chambers of Crafts.
To acquire and manage regional, national and international cooperation projects between research and business is one our strong points.
We gladly assist with the identification of appropriate partners and accompany you in implementation processes.