Lithuanian Energy Institute
Breslaujos str. 3
LT-44403 Kaunas
Contact person: Dr Romualdas Kezelis
Phone: +370 3735 1271
Fax: +370 3735 1271

About Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI)
In 1948 the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences established the Institute of Technical Sciences. This institution, which was comprised of 5 subdivisions (Energy, Metals technology, Textile technology, Construction and engineering constructions, Technical physics), analysed the issues of rational water energy and fuel consumption, metals industry rationalization and its work processes automation as well as typical projects of industry and dwelling construction.
In the institute spreading research in various fields of technical sciences, analysing production processes, research method as well as theoretical solution of the analysed issues became more related to physics. Therefore, in 1952 the Institute of Technical Scienceswas reorganized into the Institute of Physics-Technology.
The previous sectors of the institute were supplemented with the sectors of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy as well as agriculture and electrification. Subject to the resolution of the Academy of Sciences the new institute was to develop research in the fields of physics, mathematics and technical sciences: to form scientific basis for the consumption of energy resources, development of energy and electrification of the republic, agriculture, stockbreeding and construction mechanization; to care about Kaunas hydropower plant construction, the development of the river Nemunas and smaller rivers’ hydropower; to investigate properties of semiconductors, to develop and apply approximate atom quantum-mechanical calculation methods; to investigate physical-mechanical properties of textile raw material and local construction materials.
In 1956 a qualitatively new specialization step was made – in Kaunas in the basis of separate institute laboratories or their groups were established the institutes of Construction and Architecture as well as the institutes of Lithuanian Agriculture Mechanization and Electrification, whereas in Vilnius – the Institute of Physics and Mathematics. After further institute specialization in the basis of fibrous materials laboratory in 1961 the Institute of Textile Industry Scientific Research was established.
On the basis of the remaining laboratories the Institute of Energy and Electrotechnics was established, which in 1967 was renamed as the Institute of Physical-Technical Energy Problems.
Since 1992 institute was renamed to Lithuanian Energy Institute.
Plasma Processing Department
Our researches may be concerned with production of the carbon nanostructures from hydrocarbon gases by plasma jet CVD technique at atmospheric or reduced (100 Pa) pressures. Experimental researches could be carried out to find the catalyst materials for production of carbon nanostructures. Possibility to synthesized carbon films from various hydrocarbon gases (methane, acetylene and etc.) and characterization the structure, bonding type, surface morphology of the carbon films by Raman spectrometer, X-ray diffraction, the Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, and scanning electron microscope.
Since 1965 the Plasma Processing Department has been working in the field of heat transfer of high temperature plasma flow physic, generated at atmospheric pressure by DC plasma torches. The research was carried out on gas dynamic and heat transfer of high temperature gas and plasma flows in nozzles of various shapes and size, in channels of different configuration, high temperature exchangers and free jets.
Plasma Processing Department of Lithuanian Energy Institute are interested on plasma sprayed ceramics coatings (Al2O3, YSZ, etc.) and diamond-like coatings. Collaboration may cover such areas as:
- Microstructure and morphology of plasma sprayed films
- Relationships between mechanical and tribological properties of plasma sprayed coatings
- Optimisation plasma torch design and spray parameters for each coating material
- Evaluation of lifetime of plasma sprayed coatings
Experience of the department
From 2000 technologies for plasma modification of surfaces and plasma spray deposition of thin coatings with different mechanical and chemical properties are investigated and practiced.
We have experience of work in the following research and development areas:
- Investigation of interaction of plasma with dispersed materials
- Investigation of melting of high temperature oxide ceramics
- Deposition of thin and highly adhered ceramic coatings on surfaces from different materials for catalytic application
- Formation of coatings on construction materials to improve anticorrosion and tribological properties for bio application
The equipment of the department
- Atmospheric and reduced DC plasma torches (30–500 kW) and supplying equipment
- Equipment for coating technology
- Optical microscopy and scanning electron microscope JEOL JSM – 5600
- Equipment for preparation and analysis of metallographic specimens
- X-ray diffraction
Also we have possibility to characterize obtained films using
- The Fourier transform infrared (Perkin Elmer) spectrometer (model Spectrum GX FT-IR)
- Conventional grating Raman spectrometer
- Formation of catalytic and tribological coatings in the plasma environment
- Treatment, melting, fiber formation of various materials, using plasma, high-temperature gas environment
- Plasma and high-temperature gas flow diagnostics
- Resistance tests of high-temperature resistant materials
- Optical research of processes using high-speed camera
- Inorganic and organic material composition analysis by infrared spectrometer
- Vibration suppression performing precise measurements
- Precise positioning of objects in directions of X, Y, Z axis
- Gas composition analysis: determination of H2, CO, CO2, SO2, NOx, O2, CxHy concentrations